Given how systemic issues of race and class play themselves out with limiting expectations, opportunities, and a self-perpetuating culture of bias in the lives of young Black students, a dual ecosystem and pathway are imperative for transformational change and closing the wealth gap.

Our Pathway Approach

We work with school, district, and nonprofit partners to select students in their junior or senior year of high school. To participate, students will have demonstrated nontraditional leadership skills and motivation to succeed. Young people form groups through the Ownership Idea Fest, and enterprises receive a series of cash investments based on our judging rubric for viability and impact.

Students are supported through a resourced network of investor mentors, programming to develop and own enterprises deeply connected to their purpose, and investment skills and experiences linked to their broader Ownership capacity. Enterprises range from small business solutions to high-growth technology solutions and social impact organizations.

  • School, District & Nonprofit Partnerships

    We partner with aligned schools, districts, and nonprofits to ensure a systemic approach to student asset building and identity formation. This allows students to maintain connections with their most trusted adults and peers as they develop and affirm new identities of ownership.

  • Ownership Idea Fest, a Two-Day Curated Experience

    Idea Fest provides space and opportunity for Black students to create their own enterprises. It includes a retrospective on Black ownership, conversations with Black owners, wealth creators, and Investor Mentors, and connections with other students and their ideas.

  • Pathway Programming and Elective Coursework

    We offer our elective course as part of our partnership with aligned schools and nonprofit partners. The 4 overarching student learning aims of the Ownership model are: Economics/Cultivating Wealth/Building Assets, Communication as Leadership, Impact Orientation and Intention-Self-Efficacy-Self-Direction.

  • Mentorship, Coaching, and Investment

    Ownership students receive individual coaching and support on their entrepreneurial and post-secondary pursuits. Throughout the program, student teams have opportunities to collaborate with Investor Mentors and receive ongoing feedback.

We see ourselves as facilitators of student creation, helping students see themselves as creators and investors in their own vision and supporting their skills development and pathway to self-defined success.

 Our Ecosystem Approach

Our intentional ecosystem is essential for interrupting systemic barriers that stifle Black students’ full promise and provides a platform that includes the support, skills building, accountability and resources required to disrupt the odds.

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